Priol (Goa) Assembly Constituency Elections


List of Sitting and Previous MLAs of Priol assembly constituency

Below Here year-wise list of MLAs of Priol Assembly Constituency with their party name :

Year A C No. Constituency Name Category Winner Sex Party Votes Runner Up Sex Party Votes
1989 21 Priol GEN Jalmi Kashinath Govind M MAG 11766 Satkar Babal Babuso M INC 4013
1994 21 Priol GEN Jalmi Dr. Kashinath Govind M MAG 7982 Verenkar Mohan Mahadev M IND 6640
1999 21 Priol GEN Satarkar Vishwas Ramnath M BJP 6563 Jalmi Dr. Kashinath Govind M MAG 4593
2002 21 Priol GEN Satarkar Vishwas Ramnath M BJP 8071 Amonkar Shrikant Sagun M INC 6409
2007 21 Priol GEN Dhavalikar Pandurang Alias Deepak M MAG 10591 Satarkar Vishwas M BJP 6266
2012 20 Priol GEN Pandurang Alias Deepak Dhavalikar M MAG 12264 Govind Gaude M IND 10164

Goa Assembly Constituencies