St Andre (Goa) Assembly Constituency Elections


List of Sitting and Previous MLAs of St Andre assembly constituency

Below Here year-wise list of MLAs of St Andre Assembly Constituency with their party name :

Year A C No. Constituency Name Category Winner Sex Party Votes Runner Up Sex Party Votes
1980 13 St. Andre GEN Pereira Teotonio Francisco Paulo M INC(U) 4200 Cuncolenkar Sripad Laxman M MAG 3429
1994 13 St. Andre GEN Pegado Carmo Rafael M INC 6433 Parvatkar Govind Bhikaji M BJP 4056
1999 13 St. Andre GEN Silveria Francis Manuel M INC 7080 Kamat Dhakankar Avinash Govind M BJP 4376
2002 13 St. Andre GEN Silveira Francis Manuel M INC 6982 Pegado Carmo Rafael Andre Jose M NCP 4196
2007 13 St. Andre GEN Silveira Francisco M INC 8593 Caiado Antonio Joao M BJP 6074
2012 14 St. Andre GEN Vishnu Surya Naik Wagh M BJP 8818 Francisco Silveira M INC 7599

Goa Assembly Constituencies